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Pure cold pressed 100ml Black Seed oil from Nigella sativa seeds in a Glass bottle. This is an oil with the highest content of volatile oil (4.6%), potentially 3-4 times more powerful. This oil is particularly useful for respiratory problems (asthma, colds, and flu). This makes an even more pungent oil.Black Seed oil contains over 100 components which work together synergetically.When we include this healing product in our every day diet we are supplied with an endless list of components that are required for vitality and good health. 20% protein, 35% carbohydrates, 35-45% vegetable oils and fats, Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential oil 0.5-1.5%, trace elements and enzymes.With a unique pourer top so no oil runs down the side of the bottle.Produced by Blessed Seed - Black Seed Oil Specialists, sourced from Bangladesh

Black Seed Oil (Strong)

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